Search Results

Showing windows for Christ Church Church in ESHER, SURREY

EW (top)19115Comper (signed) King Alfred;St Birin;Christ in Majesty;St George;St WynfrithRev. Evelyn Hone +1908Parish Magazines 1911
EW (low)19115Comper (signed) Last SupperRev. Evelyn Hone +1908Parish Magazines 1911
SC19101Comper (signed) Spes, Caritas, FidesElizabeth Fleming +1909
SChE+18992Percy BaconKing Edward; St. Eunice holding scroll with words of Proverbs 31.28Rev Sir Frederick & M VincentStylistic attribution
STrS2Royal Coat of Arms both lts, tracery:shield-Lion Rampant & Royal Crown
SA119212A.K. NicholsonAnnunciationElizabeth Pickard +1920Parish Magazine June 1921
SA2+19222A.K. Nicholson (signed) Christ heals centurion's servant (placed by parishioners of Esher)Helen Duchess of Albany
SA318932Lavers & Westlake (signed) Christ bearing crossWilliam Hodgson +1892
SAW18932Lavers & Westlake (signed) 3 Maries at tomb (cannot now be seen)William Hodgson +1892
WW18842 + roseSuffling & CoGrisaille, with IHC in rose windowThe Architect 1 Mar 1884
NC1+186815 vertical Acts of Mercy scenesAnna Maria Gray
NC218791HardmanTransfiguration/Elijah & Elisha/Moses & brazen serpentHenry Brown +1878Hardman Index 1879/21
NA118582HardmanChrist in Judgment, below:New Jerusalem & sailing ship;St JohnHardman Cost Book
NA218782HardmanAdoration of MagiHardman Index 1878/101
NA318922Lavers & Westlake (signed) VisitationEdith Amy Clarke +1891Parish Magazine Mar 1892
NAW18932Lavers & Westlake (signed) St. Agnes; St. Cecilia (cannot now be seen)Edith Amy Clarke +1893
Note:Name of SA3 window dedicatee now enclosed in box & cannot be seen